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Security Improvement Tips for Residential Properties

While no one wants to think about a burglary occurring at their home, these crimes and others related to homes happen every day, not only in Illinois but across the country. By investing your time, energy, and a modest amount of money in improving your home’s security, you’ll ensure that your home and belongings are protected now and into the future. While the majority of residential break-ins involve the perpetrator forcing the front door open, either through forceful or tampering methods, other entry points to your home can be just as vulnerable.  

There are many steps that you can take to make your property safer and less of a target for criminals. However, it can be daunting to try to handle your home security yourself. The right locksmith can be an invaluable partner when it comes to keeping your home safe from invasion and trespassing. We’ve compiled this handy guide of security tips to assist homeowners in Glenview, Illinois in proactively improving the security of their homes. We’ve separated the tips into sections for those who are looking to ensure the foundation of their home’s security is as strong as possible, and for those who are looking for more advanced options. 

While you may not be able to prevent every potential crime from occurring on your property, by taking proactive steps to make your residential property safer and more secure, you’ll greatly lower your risk of ever having to deal with a robbery or other crime. In addition, the knowledge that you, your family, and your hard-earned belongings are safe can significantly lower your stress and give you peace of mind. 

Basic Security Improvement Tips   

  • Ensure your exterior doors are sufficiently protected. Poorly protected sliding glass doors, patio doors, and main doors without deadbolts can serve as vulnerable access points that criminals frequently exploit to gain access to a property. In addition, if you don’t cover your sliding glass door with a blind when you’re away, it can give a criminal an excellent view of the contents of your home. Inexpensive locks can be added to these doors in order to protect them better.   
  • Replace any worn down or broken window locks. While you may any mind to a wonky lock that doesn’t close properly, criminals search for these vulnerabilities in order to gain access to your home. You’ll want to check all of your window locks to ensure that they operate correctly and replace any that are worn out. You can also upgrade your locks to more tamper-resistant hardware.   
  • Ensure the exterior of your home and garage is well-lit. Criminals like to operate in secrecy and shadow, and when casing for homes to strike, search for properties that are insufficiently lit, especially around the entry points. Ensure that you replace any burnt-out lightbulbs in your exterior light fixtures promptly. You may want to consider upgrading to long-lasting LED bulbs for the job. If you determine there’s insufficient lighting outside at night, consider installing motion-sensor activated lights to eliminate those shadowy areas. 
  • Trim back any overgrowing hedges and shrubs. Landscaping is not just important for the appearance of your home’s lawn. Overgrown hedges around your home’s entry points can provide cover for a burglar trying to get inside. Make sure to keep up with your home’s landscaping.  

  Advanced Home Security Steps   

  • Partner with a good locksmith. A high-quality, affordable locksmith company, can bring your home security to the next level. A locksmith can perform a full professional evaluation of your home, taking into account the size, location, and property, and identify any vulnerabilities, such as unsecured entry points. They can then use their expertise to recommend the most cost-effective and appropriate measures to close these gaps in your home’s defenses. 
  • Consider having an alarm system installed. Whether you choose a complete system that links all entry points in your entire house to one panel, or just to have a few particular windows or doors rigged with individual alarms that sound when the contact between the sensors, an alarm system in a major step toward better protecting your home. You’ll want to research the best options between companies offering monitoring services if that route is the one you plan to take. 
  • Upgrade to keypad or smart locks. If you want to move your home security to the next level and have the money to invest, you may want to consider replacing your physical locks with electronic locks. There are several different types to choose from, but the most popular types currently are keypad and smart locks. Keypad locks have been around for years and were originally prevalent on commercial properties. Instead of locks and keys, you input a numerical pin code into the device to unlock and lock the door. Smart locks are part of the current wave of “smart home” products and offer more access control features. For example, you can monitor access to your home from your smartphone if you have smart locks. A locksmith can help you discuss the options that are available for your home and budget. 
  • Install security cameras. Surveillance technology has come leaps and bounds in the last few years, making it more effective, accessible, and affordable than ever. Some people choose to install only one or two cameras, filming their front door and their garage, for example. Others opt for multiple cameras on different areas of their home. Today’s cameras often have integration with your smart phone so that you can view camera footage no matter where you are.   

Don’t wait for your home to be the target of a break-in or vandalism before you make a move to protect it. If your home has been the unfortunate target of a crime recently, use it as a learning opportunity to reinforce your home’s protection. Consider having a locksmith perform a professional on-site security inspection. A locksmith will be able to determine which areas could use improvement and suggest cost-effective upgrades to get the job done right.  

Glenview Locksmith

24 Hour Locksmith
Dispatch Address: 1470 Waukegan Rd, Glenview, IL 60025
Phone: (224) 577-1862